Sunday, February 23, 2025

Kirby Mass Attack - Thoughts

It's rare for me to feel repulsed by a game. I think as long as I pick up a title willingly, I can usually find something about it that I enjoy—even if it's something as simple as the game's concept. Case in point: a sidescroller Pikmin-like with touch controls? Sure, sign me up! I had a lot of fun with games like Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword and both DS Zelda outings, so it seemed probable that I would enjoy Kirby: Mass Attack. Plus the fan reception towards the game was generally warm (some calling it a forgotten masterpiece) and HAL had yet to steer me wrong...

... until about an hour in, where I realized I was descending into a terrible pit or poor design choices. Kirby: Mass Attack has two only gears: boring and frustrating, leaving the game an unsalvageable mess. It is, as sad as it is to say, one of my least favorite games I've ever had the displeasure of completing.

I understand full-well how audacious the previous sentence sounds. I've played a lot of junk in my day, with only a fraction of it being stuff I've reviewed for this website. But what places Mass Attack near the top of the steaming heap is that I found nearly none of the game fun to play. It suffers from two equally damning, deadly problems: bad controls and bad stage design. I cannot understate what an awfully noxious concoction this produces; it would be one thing if the game wasn't pleasant to play, another if the stages dampened your fun, but both together renders Mass Attack a mood-cratering chore.

The first point—the controls—seem solid on first blush. You can tap the screen to make Kirby walk, double tap to make him run, and a quick scratch will fling him at your enemies. All of this works like you think it should, but the more Kirbys you add to the equation, the messier the game becomes. The pink puffballs tend to spread out rather than bunch up, and since the camera needs to keep all ten in frame if possible, you don't have a lot of screen real estate to work with. Worse yet is neither does the gang of Kirbys: prompting them to move produces definitive "winners" and "laggers", with some Kirbys reaching your stylus first and others taking a second or two to catch up. Therefore the camera doesn't have much room to look ahead at what you could possibly be running headfirst into, and if there's one Kirby missing it won't even move until he's reunited with the rest of the pack.

Plus there's a nastier consequence to holding your stylus down to usher the Kirbys along—Kirbys that reach your stylus will be sucked into a Canvas Curse-esque blob that can be ferried to wherever you draw. The problem with this is that it absolutely kills the game's momentum, as the Canvas Curse blob is not only slow but worse at wrangling the camera than your screen taps are. Most of the time you will activate this effect without wanting to use it, giving the game a very stuttery ebb and flow as you tap away to dispel the blob, and then hold on the right side of the scren to keep the train moving. So whenever you're not having a tug-of-war with the camera, you'll be watching the Kirbys at the caboose struggling (and failing) to make a jump to keep up, while those at the head attach themselves to your stylus like a newborn desperate to suckle. Though annoying only a couple hours in, you better brace yourself, because this vexing struggle is going to go on for at least ten.

Kirby games are usually not lengthy affairs. Most of the titles can be wrapped up in under three hours, with only the bigger, more prestige titles reaching the (still comfortable) seven hour mark. Mass Attack is about 1.5 hours of content spread into a vacant 12 hour container, thanks to its laborious and glacial level design. Stages in this game just do not know when the hell to end, stretching on for over fifteen minutes at a time—and that's if you don't have to replay the stage! So much of this game is designed to slow you down: mid-stage cutscenes, painfully long autoscrollers, durable minibosses, stretches of flat land, and endless patience-testing mechanics like darkness, sandstorms, rolling logs, simon says switches, block destroying, block pushing—it never ends! Hell, once you have all ten Kirbys out on the field, consuming more fruit will pause the game momentarily to add to your worthless score, which also unnecessarily interrupts your run command. Mass Attack willingly sabotages itself, resulting in the stupidest thing possible: death by innumerable speedbumps.

God help you should you aim to 100% the game, because you will receive no mercy from the designers. Completionist goals are split into three categories: grabbing all the medals on a stage, beating a level without a single death, and completing hidden bonus objectives. On my run I only had the stomach to attempt the first category, and even that was a pain in the ass to complete. Mass Attack commits the cardinal sin of storing its medals down exclusively branching paths, forcing you to replay a level to grab them all. It's not one or two stages either: 1-1, 1-9, 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 3-5, 3-8, 3-10, 4-1, 4-2, 4-4, 4-6, & 4-11 all require multiple visits. And this isn't even counting all the stages in which you only have one chance to grab a quickly appearing medal, or if you miss one by accident, or if you just take the wrong goddamn door!

The content within the levels themselves range from dull to decent, although you're likely to notice a weird trend: Mass Attack is at its best when you're not playing, well, Mass Attack. The first four levels of World 3, 6-2's tank stage, and the surprisingly robust minigames you unlock are the closest I've had to "fun" in the game, with the key feature linking them being they have nothing to do with the 10 Kirby touch screen gimmick (I think 3-11 is probably the best regular level, but even then its leaning tower gimmick could easily be used in another one of the puffball's platformer outings). Meanwhile the game's more traditional stages were constantly hair-pulling: 1-5 has you walking around 90% of the time, 1-8 is rotten with time-wasters, 2-5's miniboss is a joyless slog, 3-7's valves take twice as long as they should to rotate, and 4-10's ship ride is like 5 whole minutes of mindless flicking. The worst offense of all is found at the end of 4-11: after a gruelingly long stage you're offered an invulnerability power-up that's often used to get medals in impossible-to-reach places. But if you take the power-up and run through the last leg of the stage, you'll destroy a key you need to unlock a chest that contains the last medal you're hunting for. I've never seen a Nintendo game bait you with a power-up that will then lock you out of getting a collectible. It's just rude and spiteful; one more blemish to add onto this ugly, bloated wretch of a game.

In a vain attempt to pity you, Mass Attack includes mid-level warps that can take you straight to the goal, provided you've completed the stage before. But these are often placed in the most puzzling areas. Ideally you'd use them if you missed an early medal but didn't want to replay the entire stage, but I often found the warps were placed before you could even grab the first medal. That, and the most easily missed medals (those you have only one chance to get) often show up at the end of a stage, rendering the warps useless. I suppose you could use them if you needed to restock your Kirbys, but you'll rarely be finishing a stage with any Kirbys missing, as even a full wipe will bring you back to your initial Kirby count. It's a complete design oversight—look at the mid-level warp in 3-1/3-2/3-3/3-4 and tell me this game is well designed with a straight face.

Even Mass Attack's aesthetics underwhelmed by the end of my journey. Occasionally the backgrounds can look pretty nice (like at the start of Worlds 3 and 4), but the game is far from the looker that Super Star Ultra and Squeak Squad are. Levels are fairly barren by design since all 10 Kirbys need space to stick together, and I was never really impressed or tickled by the enemy design. Likewise, the soundtrack underperforms for a Kirby title; sure the first stage is mildly catchy and jaunty, but the rest of the OST is filled with depressingly lackluster tracks that initially sound good but don't really go anywhere interesting—they're all bark and no bite. The best thing I can say about Sakai's compositions is that they're wonderfully varied and not starved for quantity, but they lack the texture and splendor of Ishikawa's pieces. Just compare a boss track from this game to the common one in Return to Dreamland; ignoring the difference in soundfonts, Dreamland's is much more compelling—and it's not even my favorite boss track from the game!

Returning to what I claimed at the top of my review—that Mass Attack is one of my least favorite games I've ever finished—I think what really cements this opinion for me is a simple truth: you barely even play Mass Attack. There are plenty of notoriously worse games that are deserving of far harsher criticism, but almost every one I can think of has at least some element of play to it. There are buttons to press, mechanics to learn, and strategies to devise on your terrible journey that can lead to some form of mastery (unless it's full-motion garbage like Plumbers Don't Wear Ties). Mass Attack requires only lazy inputs from the player, where your mind wanders with your stylus in one hand and your chin atop your palm in the other. Even other games with low gameplay input like Vampire Survivors and Dragon Quest  have at least some modicum of interesting minute-to-minute decisions you have to make, which can impact your survival in the long term. In Mass Attack, the most interesting problem you face is what angle to throw your Kirbys at—and it's really only one enemy (the cactus fellow) that takes advantage of this.

It summons an interesting dichotomy: I recently went trophy-hunting in Ketsui and you know what? That's an amazing video game. In a few seconds you'll be mowing down enemies, optimizing score, and needing to balance the route in your head with the bullets on the field. It's admittedly unfair to compare a Kirby offshoot to one of the best shoot-em-ups ever made, but the point I'm trying to make is that Ketsui is an input extreme, giving you full control at all times with interesting decisions to be made nearly every second. Going to Mass Attack soon afterwards felt like hitting the other end of the spectrum, where all you do is hold your stylus on the right side of the screen... and slowly watch Kirbys clonk an enemy to death. There's very little risk management, even fewer heart-pounding scenarios, and no pathing quandaries that need solving. Every other Kirby game at least gives you some substance you can sink your teeth into and play riskily if you so choose. Mass Attack consists of only 10% of that excitement at best—the other 90% is the most boring, repetitive game on Earth. Why else do you think almost nobody speedruns it?

I have no sympathy for Kirby Mass Attack; it's a tedious, dull, asinine game. What I think I struggle with the most when looking back on it is trying to understand why some fans love it so. I get being drawn in by the concept—I was too. I understand having a soft spot for it because you may have played it in your childhood. But calling it underrated? Phenomenal? The best game in the franchise? It's a circle I can't square, outrageous doublespeak I'm too shrewd to accept. I get that tastes are subjective and all that, but a masterpiece? This game? No.

You'd have to lobotomize me before I touch it again.


Images obtained from:,,,

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice - Thoughts

[contains minor spoilers—no case specifics, just general themes]

Something is rotten in the ancient state of Khurai'in—and if that statement doesn't spark an interest you, then Spirit of Justice likely won't either. The sixth mainline title in the Ace Attorney series sees a radical shift in setting, dropping Phoenix Wright & co. into a fanatical nation on the cusp of a revolution. It's a bold change to make, but arguably a necessary one, as the class and caste of old was growing stale. Note that this doesn't radicalize the structure of Ace Attorney in any way—everything you know and love is still here—but it brings to the table more unpredictability and intrigue, two key components to any good mystery story. I don't think Spirit of Justice gets to lay claim to being the best in the series, but it does its best to compete with the better titles, and in some ways, even transcends them.

Dual Destinies—the previous entry—tried to shake up the formula with the threat of corruption undergirding the judicial process, but it was a laughable dilemma that bore no weight on the story. Spirit of Justice counters this feeble punch with a hard right hook called the DC Act: a Khurainese law that ensures defense lawyers receive the same punishment as their clients should they fail. From the moment the game starts it keeps the pressure high for Phoenix Wright, who has to put his literal neck on the line to defend the innocent bystanders caught up in vile machinations greater than them. At times it can feel a little ridiculous how stacked the odds are (especially in the last case, where the governing body itself seeks your demise), but the stakes help to propel the story forward, frequently reminding you that the nation of Khurai'in is irredeemably broken.

Along with the vibrant new setting, Spirit of Justice also introduces the player to Insights: half-minute recollections (ie videos) of a victim's last moments, peppered with stray details from their five senses. It works similar to Athena's Mood Matrix in the previous game, where you're looking for a contradiction between the prosecution's argument and how the magical retelling unfolds. For a fictitious example, if the suspect is presumed to be a man, then spotting the word "perfume" in the victim's Insight could be the saving grace your case desperately needs. Although Insights were not used often, I found them to be an excellent addition that both enhanced and evolved the player's understanding of a case; they're perhaps the best mechanic the Ace Attorney series has ever produced (sorry jury system, but Insights allow for some clever twists!)

Speaking of twists, Spirit of Justice comes packing a decent number of them, even if (as is typical with the series) you may have to suspend your logic for a second. Nearly every case has a one or two twists that will be hard to see coming, with the third and fifth in particular having some especially brilliant, memorable, and dark outcomes. Sadly, the fifth case spins its wheels for a bit too long after its greatest rug pull, as its remaining mysteries make little sense or outright fail to convince the player ("that" character's reveal is one of the most nonsensical things I've seen in a series known for its serendipitous buffoonery). Thankfully, nothing here dips as low as the Phantom arc in Dual Destinies; from start to finish, I was constantly wondering, hypothesizing, and awaiting the many mysteries Spirit of Justice laid out for me.

And of course, no Ace Attorney game would be complete without a gaggle of curious characters and quirky music to accompany them. While the witness lineup doesn't quite hit the highs of the original trilogy, there are a decent number of memorable faces like Rayfa, Datz, Uendo, Soren, and my man Dhurke (arguably the best character in the whole game). Sahdmadhi as a prosecutor is... alright overal: he fulfills the "insufferable heel" trope pretty well without ever feeling cartoonishly evil or petty. I think his biggest problem is that he takes a backseat during his own character arc, allowing a larger character looming over him to take his stead (but hey, it fits in a way). The music is a bit less catchy this time around and more surprisingly moody, albeit still equal parts fantastic; the cream of the crop being the cross examination theme for being simultaneously unsettling and sinister.

Sadly, as with all the non-Shu Takumi titles, Spirit of Justice doesn't know how to handle its characters in a meaningful way. Trucy gets an emotional moment in the second case and then is promptly forgotten about for the rest of the game, the third case features some vile betrayals that no one shows any kind of guilt over, and Apollo gets yet another "never mentioned before but it's super important" backstory. But the worst for me was Maya: ignoring the fact that she's still a 17-year-old mentally with all the same old animations, she does very little in the main game besides being relegated to a damsel in distress. It's only in the DLC case that she gets to shine as an assistant once again, and even there her colorful commentary isn't nearly as bright as it once was. After being gone for so long, Maya's presence here is frankly a disgrace.

Likewise, I think the way Spirit of Justice ties up its tyrannical government plotline is deeply unfulfilling. The tumult of revolution can be felt in the background early on, but the game never takes it seriously as a potential outcome, treating it as beholden to—rather than in charge of—Khurai'in's destiny. Instead, it's our heroic cast of foreigners and their elaborate deductions that carve a path towards tyranny's end, with the final "aha!" being so farfetched that it could only work on a die-hard constitutionalist. For a narrative that was surprisingly grim and tragic up to this point, Spirit of Justice handles regime change with unwarranted, blinding optimism.

Now obviously I'm viewing this 2016 game through a more cynical 2025 lens (gee, it's that easy to topple an authoritarian government built on brainless zeal, huh?) but it's hard to restrain myself when Capcom deliberately chose this bold of a setting. And look—I get that this is the series where multiple villains have confessed to their crime when cornered with facts and logic; expecting a Pentiment-style portrayal of the common man's plight was never going to happen. But I refuse to believe Spirit of Justice couldn't have resolved its central conflict in a more thematically cohesive and valiant manner—I mean come on, Dhurke and Datz are right there! They could have done something more meaningful!

For fans of Ace Attorney, Spirit of Justice won't be a revolution; it plays its story straight and safely, doing little with most of its characters and even less with the established cast. But for someone looking for some lengthy cases with plenty of evidence to pore over, Spirit of Justice is a wedding-size buffet of intrigue, surprises, and subterfuge. The game takes over 50 hours to finish (DLC included) and is bound to stump you at least a handful of times, which I greatly appreciated after the relaxed ride of Dual Destinies. Even though I hope for the eventual Ace Attorney 7 to shake-up to the now-stable formula, Spirit of Justice has proven that for however long Capcom wants to crank out games of this quality, I will continue playing with glee, gripes notwithstanding.


Images obtained from:

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Witcheye - Thoughts

When Peter Malamud Smith sat down to make Witcheye, a lone question must've plagued his mind: if Treasure made one more game for the Sega Genesis, what would it look like? I'm honestly surprised that more developers haven't asked themselves this question (where are all the fan-made successors to Alien Soldier, Dynamite Headdy, and Gunstar Heroes anyway?) Perhaps it's a tall order given Treasure's inimitable brand, since—despite producing almost exclusively sidescrollers—they rarely made the same thing twice. All of their games are filled to the brim with personality, passion, and an untouchable eccentricity, so following in their footsteps is no small feat. Yet even with that knowledge, Smith barreled ahead, creating one of the coolest (only?) bite-sized bounce-a-thons I've ever played.

The first thing you'll notice about Witcheye is that it's bursting with tremendous creativity. Smith's artstyle effortlessly pops, every screenshot a warm-colored painting even if the palette consists mostly of deep blues and cloudy grays. Backgrounds are exquisite, intermingling seamlessly with the foreground tiles while remaining clearly differentiated, ensuring you're never confused where you can and can't go. The soundtrack is frenetic and surprisingly varied, pushing you onward with the help of a sonorous, upbeat bass that you can't help but nod your head to. I think no matter your opinion on the game overall, it's impossible to deny that Smith is extraordinarily talented.

Deeper still Witcheye's creativity runs, like the roots of a mighty oak. Taking cues from both Treasure and classic Rare, every level is crafted around a distinct theme or gimmick, unafraid of introducing a unique enemy you'll never see again. Likewise, there's a smorgasbord of minibosses that range from nifty to tricky on the first go-around, but let you blow through them when properly trained. In fact, one of the coolest things about Witcheye is its brisk pace, with each level taking roughly thirty seconds to complete—though expect to spend several minutes when looking for the game's deviously hidden collectibles. There aren't any auto-scrolling stages, backtracking mazes, or patience-testing boss battles either (maybe sans the Colossus); Witcheye keeps you on a constant treadmill moving forwards, its eye fixed firmly on its next delightful surprise.

But what impressed me the most about Witcheye is that goes above and beyond for its NG+ difficulty. While it's worth buying the game for a single playthrough, the post-game's "hard mode" is where the gameplay really starts to shine, as it looks at every stage and manually tweaks them in just the right way. Don't expect the typical attack reduction or damage inflation; every enemy comes at you with a new trick up their sleeve, varying from a slight spring in their step to an evil new projectile to catch you off-guard. Likewise the stages themselves are occasionally altered, changing where certain collectibles are or tossing a new hazard your way (like the never-ending lightning storm of 4-7—lovely mechanic!) Witcheye's guiding hand may start in a gentle, grandmotherly manner—but play long enough and a werewolf's gnarled paw take shape, its endgame talons more than capable of ripping you to pieces.

(Plus, if you still yearn for more of a beating, you can try your hand at the boss rushes or NG++ 1-hit-kill mode!)

I think the only thing about the game that fits the "love it or hate it" bill is its curious controls. Screenshots may suggest Witcheye is a platformer, but it honestly has more in common with pinball than Mario. You play as a whirling eye set to bounce around the stage like a perpetually ricocheting billiard ball, able to change direction with a flick of the left stick and hover in place with a tap of the A button. Though simple, most of your struggles will come from accidentally veering in the wrong direction, as there's no indicator for where you're going or what direction your stick is pointing in. This leads to a lot of situations where you intend to move orthogonally but are instead sent at a slight angle, prompting more skewed course corrections and inevitably spiralling into a bunch of unintended damage.

Though unfortunate, mistakes will gradually diminish over time as you adapt to the controls. There is a noticeable chasm between how you play as an greenhorn vs a seasoned eye-bouncer, with 1-tile wide gaps transforming from your worst enemy to a shrug-inducing speedbump. You'll come to embrace unintended tilts like an awkward in-law, capable of pulling a friendly U-turn out of the worst trajectories. I mean, if someone can get used to the brain-wrinkling control scheme of Alien Soldier, then Witcheye will be child's play in comparison. Even when the game's latter stages start to turn up the heat, Witcheye stays light and breezy thanks to its snappy stages—any death you suffer is a thirty second setback at worst.

Witcheye may lack the replayable depth of a Treasure title, but it's a worthy student of the Genesis gems in just about every other way. It's well-paced, punchy, relentlessly pretty, and frequently brilliant, displaying a ton of variety for such a relatively simple game. And that's to say nothing of its superb level design, measured difficulty curve, and host of challenging extra modes for the hardcore. For the astonishingly low price it's set at (it goes for $2 on sale!), Witcheye is an essential purchase that devotes every second of its playtime to pure, unfettered fun.

(... although the cutscenes do tend to linger for a little too long)